For those who live in Squamish or are here visiting, please note that there is a Southern BC and District of Squamish fire ban effective today, June 27th, 2015. This included all open campfires in backyards, Provincial Park and private campgrounds, and on Crown or private land within the District of Squamish. All other types of open fires are prohibited including backyard burning or land-clearing burn piles. Burning barrels, fireworks, firecrackers and sky lanterns are also included in this list.
This prohibition does not apply to CSA-rated or ULC-rated cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes, or to a portable campfire apparatus that uses briquettes, liquid or gaseous fuel, so long as the height of the flame is less than 15 centimetres.
For all those climbers camping in and around Squamish, including the recreation site of Chekamus Canyon and down Mamquam Service Road in the North Walls, we urge you to be vigilant about the fire ban and sensitivity to open fires in the area. Because of the nature of the forest, fires can burn deep in the ground and can cause incredible damage to our beloved boulders. If you do see someone having an open fire, please have the courage to approach them and ask them to put it out.
Anyone caught violating the open burning prohibition could face a ticket of $345, be required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000. Individuals could also receive a one year jail sentence and be responsible for the firefighting costs if their open fire leads to a wildfire.
Please contact Squamish Fire Rescue at 604.898.9666 for further information. Call 911 to report fire.