Graham McGrenere sends ASDATO (5.14b) at Horne Lake | Recent News

We are pleased to announce that Graham McGrenere has sent ASDATO – A Stressful Day at the Office (5.14b) at Horne Lake. After working and sending ADATO (5.14b) last fall, Graham returned to do the variation only to send on his third go of the season.

Photo courtesy of Graham McGrenere and taken by Jannat Singh Bachhal ©

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Paul Robinson on Air Wolf in Indian Creek | Video

Paul Robinson seeks out the boulder problem Air Wolf in Indian Creek.

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Allison Vest and Guy McNamee Canadian Open Lead National Champions | News

This weekend, Allez Up in Montreal played host to the 2019 CEC Lead & Speed Nationals. The event took place across the weekend, showcasing some of Canada’s finest climbing athletes. Allison Vest and Guy McNamee stood at the top of the podium and deemed the 2019 Canadian National Difficulty Champions.

Guy McNamee. Photo courtesy of @allezUP

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Statement of Youth – The Birth of British Sport Climbing | Video

The 1980’s saw climbing standards rise exponentially. At the start of the decade, 7b+ was cutting edge, but by the end of the ’80s, 9a was the new world standard. By the end of the decade, the sport had changed beyond recognition and a paradigm was set for future generations.

A small group of climbers would do anything to climb full-time: sleeping in sheds underneath crags, shoplifting for food and clothes, and living off the dole. These climbers were living outside the rest of society and went on to become the most influential figures in the history of British climbing.

A UKClimbing film directed by Nick Brown and supported by BMC TV, Boreal and Wild Country.

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Advocacy Group formed for Vehicle Residents of Squamish in Response to Drafted Bylaw 2679

In response to the Drafted Bylaw 2679 that bans both vehicle camping and wild camping at any public place within the municipal boundary of Squamish, a few local climbers in our community have started an advocacy group specifically for those who choose or are forced to live in their vehicles.

The advocacy group, Vehicle Residents of Squamish (VRC), launched their website that defines their mandate online this week and are asking those who live in vehicles for part of the year to fill out a survey.

According to their website, their mandate is to:

-Advocate on behalf of vehicle dwellers who consider Squamish their primary place of residence
-Engage with appropriate levels of government when necessary (indigenous, district, regional, provincial, federal)
-Address concerns of the members of the Squamish vehicle dwelling community
-Engage with groups concerned about vehicle dwellers
-Provide resources for vehicle dwellers residing in Squamish
-Engage in outreach work with visiting vehicle dwellers

They have also started a petition online to oppose the drafted bylaw, which is suppose to be scheduled for a reading at next week’s city council meeting.

For those interested in voicing concerns regarding the drafted bylaw, please email City Council before next Tuesday to voice your concerns.

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The First Ascent of Primitivo (v15) | Video

Primitivo is one of the best new problems in the world situated in Val Bavona, in Ticino, CH. FA circa April 2019.

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BC Hydro Work at Stawamus Chief Provincial Park – April 25-31 | Recent News

For those who were in the boulders yesterday, you may have noticed that there are a few excavators around the Apron Parking lot and then some work being done on the trail between the Apron Parking Lot and the main parking lot beside the highway. Here is the release from BC Parks.

Between April 25 and May 31, BC Hydro will be conducting civil works on their infrastructure adjacent to Stawamus Chief Provincial Park. Some of this work will occur along the Climbers Access Trail, located between the Climber’s Access Parking Lot and the main parking lots by the campground.

Please expect delays as crews and machinery operate in these areas. For your safety, please stay well back of operating machinery and adhere to all signs directing trail users.

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Daniel Woods Uncut on La Rustica (v15) | Video

Daniel Woods making the third ascent of Jimmy Webb’s rigorous testpiece La Rustica (8C/V15) in Val Bavona, Switzerland. May 2019.

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Ben Moon returns to Buoux 30 Years Later | Video

On the 30th anniversary of his ascent of Agincourt, the first 8C rock climb in France, Ben Moon embarks on a trip down memory lane to once again visit the place that played such an important role in the history of sport climbing.

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The Yubiboard Portable Hangboard by Digit Climbing | Gear Review

Without a doubt, there has been an explosion of portable hang boards over the past couple years. With almost every design possible on the market, it is difficult to choose which hangboard may best suit your needs at the crag. One company that has stood out from the rest is Digit Climbing. Based out of Montreal, Digit Climbing is a Canadian company with a focus on wooden hold and hangboard solutions that meet all your training goals. Their version of the portable hangboard is called the Yubiboard. The board is based on a rotary system and features a variety of grips for every climber from beginner to expert.

We had a chance to test the Yubiboard over a two month period and here is what we thought.

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Peter Winter / Leavenworth WA / Grand Wall Boulders / 25 V4 Circuit / Home Campus Board

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