Two big local sends in one evening. We are very psyched to announce that Ben Harnden sent the Squamish test piece Northridge (v14) last night in Gibb’s Cave, exiting the problem to the right as for Black Hole.
Ben Harnden on North Ridge (v14). Photo by Lan Yao ©
First put up by Georg Joost in 2008, North Ridge starts via Black Magic (v13) but takes a right exit out of the cave via very difficult climbing to the start of a problem first named Northridge Mini (v10 – now that a hold broke a few years ago, this may be harder). Georg originally exited North Ridge to the left, finishing the problem on Llamas for Me, Please. Last night, Ben completed North Ridge via the harder exit to the right as for Black Hole (v11).
Speaking to Ben this morning, he was so jazzed on the send that he thought it only proper to do the problem a second time. His reasoning was that he put so much work into it, he wanted to enjoy it before he let it go.
This was the third known ascent of the problem. However, I am sure that the big question on everyone’s mind is what is the name of the new link-up (Note – Speaking to Ben this morning, he suggesteed North Ridge Right). Congratulations Ben!