Special thanks to local climber Kris Wild, who recently completed his new multi-pitch line up the Apron. The line, named ‘Read Between the Lines (5.8 – 4 pitches or 5.10a – 5 pitches)’ begins at the base of the ramp that leads to Snake. According to Wild the line is ‘a mix of new terrain, and a pitch and a half of the old route Anxiety State / Trivia.’ Below is a topo and description of the route.
Read Between the Lines (5.8, 4 pitches or 5.10a, 5 pitches)
P.1 Step left off of the ramp to enter the splitter finger crack, and follow it all the way up to a bolted anchor near the huge fir tree that marks the end of the first pitch of Snake. 5.8, 45m This makes for an enjoyable alternate first pitch to Snake.
P.2 Cross Snake, and follow the same crack system for another 40 m until it peters out, then up the slab past a bolt to an anchor below the large treed ledge. 5.8, 45m
P.3 A short pitch up right of the mossy corner above. Follow a horizontal crack right to belay at the large fir tree. 5.7, 30m
P.4 Up the right-facing corner of Anxiety State to a belay. 5.7, 30m You can begin the raps from here.
P.5 (Optional) follow the corner higher until possible to face climb up the left wall into a narrow ramp above. Up the ramp past a few bolts, then good gear allows a step down right to a rap station. 5.10a, 30m
Descent: Four 30m raps will land you just to the right of the start of Snake. (Yes, you can get down with a single 60 m rope)
Thanks Kris for all your efforts! All hardware is thanks to community donations to the gofundme page organized last year to help out local route developers. Please keep this effort going and contribute here