Okay, I don’t know how I missed this one but it deserves a post. A little local action from last year.
Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker in No Sleep
The ‘Wide Boys’ are up to it again. And I thought a 100 point v-day was good!
The James Pearson Story Trailer By Hot Aches
Hot Aches, who have created a number of great climbing films, are back at it again. Here is a teaser for their new film. Looks like a few big falls!
Trailer for Out of Sight II by Neil Hart
This is worth a watch! if you have ever been to Font, this trailer will make you want to go back. The simplicity of just climbing.
Produced and directed by Neil Hart
Access Fund – Commit to the Pact
Climbing is one of the fastest growing sports in North America. As the numbers increase in our climbing community, it becomes increasingly more important to be aware of the impact we have on our outdoor areas. Groups like the Access Fund play a large role in ensuring future access to these areas. Local groups lead by volunteers, such as Climbers Access Society of BC and Squamish Access Society, have all put in endless hours ensuring our own access to local crags. Take a step in the right direction and become a member now!