In response to the Drafted Bylaw 2679 that bans both vehicle camping and wild camping at any public place within the municipal boundary of Squamish, a few local climbers in our community have started an advocacy group specifically for those who choose or are forced to live in their vehicles.
The advocacy group, Vehicle Residents of Squamish (VRC), launched their website that defines their mandate online this week and are asking those who live in vehicles for part of the year to fill out a survey.
According to their website, their mandate is to:
-Advocate on behalf of vehicle dwellers who consider Squamish their primary place of residence
-Engage with appropriate levels of government when necessary (indigenous, district, regional, provincial, federal)
-Address concerns of the members of the Squamish vehicle dwelling community
-Engage with groups concerned about vehicle dwellers
-Provide resources for vehicle dwellers residing in Squamish
-Engage in outreach work with visiting vehicle dwellers
They have also started a petition online to oppose the drafted bylaw, which is suppose to be scheduled for a reading at next week’s city council meeting.
For those interested in voicing concerns regarding the drafted bylaw, please email City Council before next Tuesday to voice your concerns.