Today, the District of Squamish released an updated version of proposed Camping Bylaw No. 2679, which will be discussed at a Committee of the While on Tuesday, June 25, 2019.
The district staffalso released a report to council regarding the issue at hand and the reasoning behind the amendment.
The new version of the Bylaw has amended the boundary in which the Camping Bylaw would be enforced, limiting the bylaw to the most sensitive areas within the municipal boundary and includes the following:
1. The Mamquam Forest Service Road and surrounding Crown parcels, from Highway 99 up to the
“Pit” site, after which 30-40 vehicles could be accommodated and the Raffuse Creek Recreation
Site begins.
2. The Squamish Estuary, including the Wildlife Management Area and Spit
After consultation with community groups and individuals over the course of the past two weeks, the District Staff are:
‘proposing to limit the scope so the bylaw applies only to the most environmentally and culturally sensitive areas and those which generate the most complaints from the public. This approach was previously considered and not taken due to the risk that the problematic camping clusters will be displaced, effectively moving the problem instead of solving it. However, staff are recommending that balancing community needs – safety for Squamish residents who live in vehicles and an enforcement tool to manage environmental risk and neighbourhood interface – requires a moderate approach while further work to consider policy and program solutions for vehicle residents is undertaken.’
District Staff also cited that ‘Routine patrols will be conducted and assistance from other enforcement partners will be sought. Education and voluntary compliance will be prioritized over ticketing.
The bylaw also references Traffic Bylaw (Bylaw 2220) that already probibits sleeping in vehicles in other municipal areas.